plotutils-2.1.4: description + notes

The GNU plotting utilities currently consist of seven user-level programs: graph, plot, plotfont, tek2plot, spline, ode, and double. Distributed along with them is GNU libplot, a function library for device-independent two-dimensional vector graphics. These utilities do not replace gnuplot, but rather supplement it.

Distributed along with the plotting utilities is GNU libplot, the function library for device independent two-dimensional vector graphics on which graph, plot, and tek2plot are based. libplot can draw graphics on X Window System displays, and can generate graphical output in any of five additional formats.

Use "xset fp+ /usr/freeware/share/fonts/libplot" to access the standard Postscript, Tektronix, and HPGL PCL 5 compatibility fonts.

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.